Mineral exploration

Technical Reports

Technical reports provide valuable information regarding the exploration motivation and mineralisation model, the defined and implemented exploration methods, the quality and limitations of the geological data gathered, and the basis on which the interpretations are made.

What We Do For You

Exploration Reporting:

• Geological desktop studies
• Technical exploration reports.
• Competent Person’s Reports (CPR)
• Pre-Feasibility Studies (PFS)
• Feasibility Studies (FS)
• Definitive Feasibility Studies (DFS)

Exploration Audit & Due Diligence:

• Geological data review, audit & validation
• Exploration programme review
• Quality Control methods & procedures review & audit

Exploration Tenure:

• Application review
• Application compilation
• Prospecting Work Programme
• Tenure annual exploration reports

A Competent Person’s Report will inform and protect investors

Geological Desk Study

A desk study is a foundational step in mineral exploration, and its importance lies in the efficient and cost-effective gathering of existing geological and historical data before embarking on any fieldwork. Performed from an office environment, the desk study involves analysing published literature, geological maps, remote sensing data, and previous exploration reports. By synthesising this information, geologists can gain valuable insights into the regional geology, potential mineralisation patterns, and known occurrences in the area of interest. The desk study serves as a roadmap for the subsequent exploration programme, aiding in the identification of high-priority targets and optimising the allocation of resources. It reduces the risk of duplication of efforts and facilitates the development of a well-informed exploration strategy. Ultimately, a thorough desk study is a crucial tool in efficient mineral exploration, enabling focused and strategic fieldwork and contributing to the overall success and sustainability of exploration projects.

Competent Person’s Report

A Competent Person’s Report (CPR) holds significant importance in the context of mineral exploration as it provides an independent and expert assessment of a company’s exploration results and mineral resource estimates. Prepared by a qualified and experienced geologist, the CPR serves as a comprehensive evaluation of the technical aspects of a mineral project and the quality compliance of data collected. It includes an in-depth analysis of geological data, exploration methods, and resource estimation techniques, ensuring that the information presented is accurate and reliable. Investors, regulatory bodies, and stakeholders rely on the CPR to gain confidence in the project’s potential and the company’s claims. The report’s objective and unbiased assessment contributes to transparent disclosure standards, enhancing investor protection and facilitating well-informed investment decisions. Ultimately, a Competent Person’s Report offers credibility and assurance to the exploration industry, supporting responsible resource development and sustainable mining practices.

Reporting Codes

International Reporting Codes hold significance in mineral exploration as they provide standardised guidelines and best practices for reporting exploration results and mineral resources. These codes, such as the JORC Code, CIM Definition Standards, and NI 43-101, establish transparent and consistent reporting criteria, ensuring that information about mineral projects is reliable, comparable, and understandable to investors, regulators, and stakeholders worldwide. It also states that data was gathered through best practice.  By adhering to these reporting codes, exploration companies and geologists maintain credibility and foster investor confidence, essential for attracting funding and support. Additionally, standardised reporting facilitates cross-border investments and transactions, promoting international cooperation and the exchange of geological knowledge. Moreover, adherence to these codes reinforces responsible and ethical practices, encouraging sustainable resource development and the protection of the environment. Overall, international reporting codes play a pivotal role in enhancing transparency, trust, and accountability in mineral exploration, contributing to the growth and sustainability of the global mining industry.

“I read annual reports of the company I’m looking at and I read the annual reports of the competitors – that is the main source of material” – Warren Buffett